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  4. How to Apply for Site Recertification

How to Apply for Site Recertification

We require NHSC-approved sites—with the exception of auto-approved NHSC sites—to submit a Site Recertification Application every three years.

How to prepare for site recertification

Begin with a review of the NHSC Site Agreement (PDF - 291 KB) and the Site Reference Guide (PDF - 643 KB) to familiarize yourself with the NHSC site eligibility requirements, required documentation, and site recertification process. If you have questions about NHSC site eligibility, contact your Division of Regional Operations State/Territorial Lead.

NHSC site application sections and required documents

The NHSC site application contains 11 sections, and site applicants must provide the following required documents and information. If a required document/item is missing, we will consider the application incomplete and may not approve it.

For details and additional information about these requirements, review the Site Reference Guide (PDF - 643 KB) or check out NHSC Site Eligibility Requirements.

A site application is considered incomplete, and may be disapproved, if it does not contain each of the following required supporting documents:

  • Behavioral health services checklist and supporting documentation
  • Clinician recruitment and retention plan
  • Policies on non-discrimination
  • Proof of access to comprehensive care
  • Site data tables
  • Sliding fee discount program documents
    • Policy
    • Patient application
    • Sliding fee schedule
    • Posted signage
      • Two photographs
      • Screenshot and link to published online statement
  • Substance Use Disorder (SUD)/Medications for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD) documentation (if providing these services)

How to submit an NHSC site recertification application

Follow these steps in the Bureau of Health Workforce (BHW) Customer Service Portal:

  1. Log into the BHW Program Portal during an open recertification cycle.
  2. Under “My Sites,” select the site name.
  3. Select the option to apply for recertification.
  4. Start the NHSC Site Recertification Application.

The NHSC Site Recertification follows the same process steps as the NHSC New Site Application.

For guidance during this process, use the Site Points of Contact User Guide (PDF - 5 MB).

Remember: You can only submit a recertification application if your site is currently active with an upcoming expiration date and a site recertification cycle is open.

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