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Auto-Approved NHSC Sites

Eligible site types can apply for National Health Service Corps (NHSC) auto-approval.

How do I find out if my site is eligible?

Your site is eligible to be auto-approved if it is a(n):

How do I become an auto-approved NHSC site?

Eligible sites must apply to the NHSC:

  1. Log into the My BHW Portal
  2. If your site is  listed under My Sites:
    • Select the site name.
    • Select "Start a NHSC Site App."
  3. If your site is not listed under My Sites:
    • Select "Create New Site" in the left sidebar.
    • After you create the site, select "Start a NHSC Site App."
  4. Complete the application.
  5. Under the Confirm Site Details section:
    • FQHCs/LALs must include their BHCMIS IDs and BPHC numbers.
    • ITU sites must include their ASUFAC numbers.
    • Auto-approved sites are exempt from uploading documentation into their NHSC applications. However, they must submit documentation during site visits or upon request.
  6. Review and sign the NHSC Site Agreement.
  7. Submit the application. 

Sites must meet all applicable requirements to be NHSC-approved. We list requirements in the NHSC Site Agreement (PDF - 291 KB) and the NHSC Site Reference Guide (PDF - 672 KB).  Refer to the "Summary of Exemptions by Site Type" section in the NHSC Site Reference Guide to verify requirements that apply to auto-approved NHSC sites at the time of application, during a site visit, or upon request.

What about organizations with multiple sites?

Organizations seeking auto-approval must submit an NHSC Site Application for each site. NHSC auto-approval is not guaranteed.

How long does it take you to process my application?

After you submit your application, we typically review it within three to six weeks.

How will I find out if you approved my site?

We will notify you through the My BHW Portal.

When and how often do I need to apply?

Eligible auto-approved NHSC sites:

  • May apply to the NHSC at any point in the year.
  • Are not required to apply during the NHSC New Site Application cycles.
  • Are not required to recertify their status every three years.

How do I maintain my status as an auto-approved NHSC site?

After an auto-approved site is NHSC active, its status does not expire. However, you can lose your active status if your site:

  • No longer resides in a Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA) or loses its facility HPSA.
  • No longer meets all NHSC requirements.
  • Is found to be non-compliant with NHSC program requirements.
  • No longer meets eligibility requirements for auto-approval status. For example, it loses its Bureau of Primary Health Care (BPHC) grant.

Why does NHSC perform site visits?

NHSC site visits enable us to:

  • Identify at-risk sites.
  • Address technical assistance needs and increase NHSC program compliance.
  • Improve understanding of NHSC clinical service requirements.
  • Share NHSC recruitment and retention resources.
  • Meet with NHSC clinicians to assess any technical assistance needs and receive feedback about the NHSC program.

Who performs site visits?

BHW’s Division of Regional Operations conducts site visits in coordination with the state or territorial primary care office.

When should I expect a visit to my site?

We make periodic site visits while your site is part of the NHSC program.

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