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  4. How to Prepare for an NHSC Site Visit

How to Prepare for an NHSC Site Visit

The National Health Service Corps (NHSC) conducts site visits to enhance the relationship between our program personnel, your site, and the NHSC clinicians working at your site.

What should you do prior to the site visit?

  • With a few exceptions, the site should expect to be contacted by our Division of Regional Operations (DRO) at least two weeks in advance.
  • The site is expected to submit the required NHSC documents in advance of the NHSC site visit.

What should you expect during a site visit?

We evaluate your site's understanding and implementation of all the requirements we lay out in the NHSC Site Agreement (PDF - 291 KB) and Site Reference Guide (PDF - 672 KB).

During a visit, the DRO staff will answer your questions and ensure compliance, so your site remains an NHSC-approved site.

DRO staff may also meet with NHSC clinicians, either individually or in a group, to address any questions they may have.

How often do we conduct site visits?

You should expect periodic site visits if you maintain your status as an NHSC-approved site.

Why do we conduct site visits?

Along with an evaluation of the site's understanding and implementation of the NHSC site and NHSC participant requirements, the site visit also provides the following:

  • A setting where DRO staff and State PCO staff can provide site-specific technical assistance on NHSC program requirements
  • An opportunity for DRO staff to share NHSC recruitment and retention resources available to NHSC sites
  • A venue where DRO staff can meet with NHSC clinicians to assess any technical assistance needs and receive feedback about the clinicians' participation in the NHSC program

Who conducts site visits?

BHW's Division of Regional Operations (DRO) performs site visits in coordination with your site and your state's Primary Care Office.

We will send you notifications regarding your site visits through the BHW Customer Service Portal.

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