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  3. Follow Six Steps as a New Students to Service Loan Repayment Program Member

Follow Six Steps as a New Students to Service Loan Repayment Program Member

Make a smooth transition into the Students to Service Loan Repayment Program (S2S LRP) by taking the following steps:


Activate your My BHW account.

  • Review your personal information for accuracy.


Save a copy of your FY 2018 S2S LRP Application and Program Guidance (PDF - 668 KB).

It contains information about your award, contract process, requirements while in school and in postgraduate training, and your service commitment.

  • We distribute annual installments of loan repayment funds to you—via direct deposit—on or about August 1 each year.
  • If you are an allopathic physician or doctor of osteopathic medicine, you need to submit your postgraduate training requests by May 1 to receive your first installment.


Watch the Students to Service Loan Repayment Program Welcome Webinar.


Review the NHSC Welcome Kit in My BHW.

  • Includes important documents, including your contract.
  • We assign you an NHSC service team specialist based on the state your school is in.


Review the 2022-2023 NHSC Postgraduate Training Bulletin (PDF - 410 KB).


Submit the following documents by May 1 via My BHW:

  • A postgraduate training request.
  • Proof of graduation from your medical school (dated no earlier than April 15).
  • Proof that you passed Step 2/Level 2 of the Licensing Examination.
  • Letter of Acceptance to an NHSC-approved primary care postgraduate training program.
    • The letter must:
      • Include the date on which your residency will begin.
      • Be on official letterhead.
      • Signed by the residency program director.
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